We invite you to visit our retail locations to enjoy the BrewBar™ experience in a relaxing environment. We are conveniently located at 1330 Pacific Ave in downtown Santa Cruz. We proudly offer our fresh-roasted specialty coffee, fresh pastries and munchies, free wi-fi, and of course our patented BrewBar™ hand poured coffees. We believe that our hand-poured method produces a superior cup of coffee and gives our coffees the voice they truly deserve.
Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting
Historic Palomar Arcade
Downtown Santa Cruz
1330 Pacific Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95060 - (831) 459-0100
Aptos Coffee Roasting
Roasting Facility
PO Box 2427
Watsonville, CA 95003 - (831) 685-0500
FAX: (831) 761-5523
Contact Info & Customer Service
We'd love to hear from you - please use the form to send us your questions, comments and feedback.
PO Box 2427
Watsonville, CA 95003 - (831) 685-0500
- orderdesk@santacruzcoffee.com